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What is a Treasure Hunt
Treasure Hunt is an entertaining Team competition. Its rules are simple and fast to learn.
This event is suitable for first-timers, returning travellers and also Italians: we only use original content developed to encourage exploration and cooperation.
We can handle groups of any size and offer Hunts with flexible lengths making them easy to include in your daily agenda. We can offer many written and spoken languages according to your needs; multi-language events are also available on request.
Treasure Hunt is about experiencing an Italian city for a day: learning about local folklore and reaching world-famous monuments. Our format allows participants to plan their own route following both their Team strategy and personal preferences. There are no hidden places, just locations to find on map that must be reached in order to earn victory points.
Each location offers a wide selection of different challenges: spot a detail, collect an item, interact with local people, take a creative picture, etc.

How a Treasure Hunt works
Participants are split into Teams, each competing to earn points. Treasure Hunt isThe rules are simple: go to as many locations as you like. Once you reach a location you can earn points; at the end of the event the Team that collected the greatest number of points will be the winner.
Our Staff introduce the activity in a briefing that lasts about ten minutes. After the briefing, the Staff distributes a kit to each Team which contains all they need for participating. Each Team starts planning its route immediately and can start hunting as soon as it’s ready.
When a Team reaches a location it can earn points by overcoming different challenges, such as taking a picture. Challenges are all choices, so Teams can choose to do what they want from the get-go.
Teams will not be able to complete all the challenges nor will they go to all the locations. There is a large selection of locations and challenges so that Teams can choose from a range of viable options.
An important rule is that each Team should reach the finish line in time. As soon as Teams arrive, our Staff starts checking points.
When the classification is ready, the Staff will award the winning Team.